Saturday, February 19, 2011


Random things since my last post - in no particular order:

*I lost almost 18 pounds. (Thanks to WWPointsPlus!)
*I found 3 pounds again.
*I celebrated my birthday - for a week! :-)
*KJ called me YaYa for the first time on my birthday.
*Snow and ice kept some of us from work for at least a day.
*Ryan fought off the flu.
*Daisies and Sunflowers make me happy.
*Kisses & hugs are the best!
*Rolling blackouts make me appreciate my love of candles.
*I've enjoyed a 'break' from Kwar.
*I love to read blogs on thrifty home decor, though I haven't attempted anything just yet.
*Sundays with YaYa involve time in the nursery and a nice nap at home.
*Microwaved sweet potatoes are....sweet!
*Baked sweet potato 'fries' are....yummy!
*I have an aversion to dusting (and housework in general), but cleaning out a few cabinets and drawers can give me a sense of accomplishment.
*Game Night with friends is the best medicine for the blues.

1 comment:

Mrs. Welder said...

Random Responses...Congrats on the weight loss, happy belated bday, sweet KJ is such a cutie, yea snow days, you can join me at ATB class (addicted to blogs), dusting is a waste of time-so wait until you can really tell you did it, game night is fun...especially if you win ;)
Good post! I like random.